The wedding ceremony for these two very kind people was held at the Lincoln Park Conservatory in Chicago. When I arrived, almost nobody was on the grounds where the ceremony was to be held, and the sky was rather overcast. Actually, it looked as though it were about to storm. In the middle of setting up for the wedding, suddenly the clouds cleared, and I had a very harsh 11 o'clock sun to battle with.
Regardless, I was able to obtain some very lovely shots :)
Victor introduced himself to me as I stood and studied the group of guests around me. I took him off to the side and began his portrait session. I managed to catch a few shots of other guests around as well, though my favorite pictures were of the adorable flower girl.

I found out that Theresa had arrived, and so I went over to a group of trees that hid her to take some pictures before the ceremony. I told her that we would take some more solo pictures after the ceremony finished when there was more time.
The ceremony flew by, and I did my best to get as many interesting shots as I could, while also capturing the important parts. We gathered everyone together afterwards to get quite a few group shots, and I have to say, the entire group seemed to have had the grouping thing down pact. I barely had to do any people arranging!
We sent everyone on their way, and took Theresa, her sister, Victor, and his best man to take some pictures together. Before I knew it, we were finished, and everyone would be on their way.
Congratulations, Theresa and Victor! Thank you very much for making me a part of your day, and the best of luck to the two of you in your new life together :)