Fiction Plane
The Bravery
Saturday evening, I went to the Metro in Chicago to shoot some photos of The Bravery for the Chicago Music Guide. While I was there, I caught one of the two opening acts, Fiction Plane. Those guys put on a great show! Did I mention the lead singer of Fiction Plane is Sting's Son? Yeah, dummy me didn't realize that until today. After I already wrote the band. Boy am I dumb.
My apologies, Joe!
While at the show, I would have loved to have taken more (and better) pictures of F.P. because of their stage presence and such, but the security guards kept giving me an evil eye for taking pictures outside of the pit. Maybe it's because they didn't realize I had a media pass. Who knows. But I'd rather not tick those guys off.
The Bravery - these guys put on a great show too - of course they do! They're the headliners! Lots of stage energy, the sound was dead on, the crowd was absolutely loving every second of it.
Anyway, enjoy the pics, everyone :)