Grandma's Birthday Weekend
December 5th & 6th, 2009
Last weekend, we spent our third annual birthday weekend with my truly special/awesome/caring/beautiful/fabulous... I'm cutting myself off, because I'd forever write adjectives describing my grandmother. Our two day girls-only outing started with a trip to the imax in Batavia, IL to see A Christmas Carol in 3-D. I was definitely impressed - what a neat experience!
We then headed up north to Twin Lakes, Wisconsin to spend the night at a family friend's cottage. Dinner was had at a quaint little restaurant in town, and featured lots of yummy seafood. The rest of the evening was spent painting glasses and watching a few good chick flicks. Perfect end to the day.
Sunday, we woke up and made our coffee sans coffee pot - THAT was a bit of an adventure in itself. The coffee was great, nevertheless, and us girls headed off to the Jelly Belly factory for our free tour and some Jelly Belly jelly beans. They had some really awesome (and some not so awesome) flavored beans, and allow free sampling at their sample 'bar.' I only tried three at the factory, and only ate 8 beans total by the time were were back on the road. Pretty proud of myself!
After the factory tour, we grabbed a quick lunch, then headed off to the mall - what girls weekend would be complete without shopping? :)
Anyway, Grandma, I hope you had a wonderful birthday weekend. I had a fabulous time, and will definitely carry the memories with me always.
Love you!!
Aunt Lisa, Aunt Deby, Dawn, my mom, and my grandmother

on the 'train'

my mommy :)
SUPERMAN!! (made out of jelly bellies!)
Check out some of these flavors!! YUCK!

Mom and Aunt Deby
I set the timer for this shot - not the greatest shot ever taken, but at least I'm with the girls :)
My mom and I are just a little bit goofy... and obviously unafraid to pose on public floors!