Monday, June 30, 2008

Josh Kelly

The Plain White T's

Taste of Chicago - Grant Park - June 29th, 2008


Yesterday, I made a trip to the city to take photos of the above mentioned bands for the Chicago Music Guide. The weather was behaving like a temperamental two year old, making me and a slew of other photographers and videographers soaked from the sky's tears. Luckily, the rain stopped just in time for the bands to take stage so that nobody's lenses were covered in rain drops.

One thing that I realized that I really don't care for are daytime concerts - the light of day takes away from all the pretty lights that normally mesmerize me...

Josh Kelly

The Plain White T's

Andrew & Liz
June 28, 2008


I had the great pleasure of being asked to take photographs for Andrew and Liz's wedding. Liz made a lovely, relaxed, sweet, and cheerful bride. Andrew made a kind, generous, handsome, and happy groom. Each of the families were absolutely wonderful to work with.

I am still greatly impressed with the Olsen family's hard work and dedication to the landscaping on their estate, all of which they did themselves. I cannot express how absolutely gorgeous the grounds are - photographs simply do not do the scenery justice.

The wedding day was filled with special and unique moments. One of my favorite was the arrival of Liz to the site of the wedding in a vintage convertible :)

A great thank you to everyone for the extreme amount of kindness that you offered to me. I truly wish the utmost happiness to everyone, especially to Andrew and Liz.
