Friday, January 09, 2009

New Things For A New Year

Hi everyone, and happy new year!

I've been working really hard at continually making my business better and better, and hope that 2009 has really big things in store for me :)

First things first - I am happy to announce that the paperwork is finally finished, and amy aiello photography is officially incorporated!

Right now, I'm working on the final touches to my brand new website. I should be finished with the back end of things by next week. The new site allows much more versatility, easier navigation, and an e-commerce feature so that I can now offer my prints (both photo and gallery canvas) for sale online.

This weekend, I will be going into the studio (recording that is) to create music with Justin from Facing Winter. We are hoping to collaborate not only on some of the band's new music, but also to create a song or two of our own that will hopefully appear on my website at some point in the near future. I'm VERY excited about this!! :)

Finally, there are many new developments in the works ... but... I'm afraid that the revelation of this news will have to wait for the official confirmation of everything.

Stay tuned!
