Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Chicago Photography Collective
December 1, 2009

Well, I finally made it downtown to see the gallery. I had a whopping 11 visitors all day (WE CAN DO BETTER!!! PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD!!) while running the place. There are some really great pieces to come take a look at, so I'll only show my pieces (since I'm pretty proud of the fact that I'm in a gallery with so many talented professionals).

Remember, the gallery is located at 29 E Madison in Chicago (it's actually in a store front just to the east of the 29 E entrance). After your visit, you can even do a bit of holiday shopping on State Street!

A special thank you to everyone who has already supported me by visiting the gallery. I hope you know how much that means to me :)



More Help For Shannon
December 1, 2009

My mother's cousin, Jennifer, is such a sweetheart!

Jennifer is a Lia Sophia rep, and has offered to donate 15% to the Shannon Sperando Cancer Fund from show sales booked specifically from hearing about it through me, or even just orders through her. Jennifer has more details on the specifics of this offer, so please chat with her to learn more.

If you are interested in hosting a show, or purchasing some of this fabulous jewelry (I already have lots of this stuff, and LOVE it!!), simply visit her website for her contact information. Be sure to mention Shannon to her. Remember, you're helping a greater cause at the same time as treating yourself!

Thanks everyone!!! :)




The lovely Jennifer :)