Friday, May 25, 2007

Updating the website

I'm sure most of you photographers out there know how expensive, time consuming and difficult it is to create your own website that will stand up to the professionalism expected of us. I am determined to learn how to create a flash site on my own, despite the hurdles I'm just beginning to face in learning the software (and even obtaining a copy). I know, however, that it will save me a fortune in the long run, and also leave me with a more unique (hopefully) site.

In the meantime, I've been tweaking my current website with Adobe ImageReady. I just launched the updated version of the website a few weeks ago to replace the crappy and very dated looking version that I started with.

All of this has lead to me creating a password protected client entrance, which is still in the works. Hopefully, I should have everything completed by the end of my extended weekend.

I've also created a logo for my L.L.C...

Two a's that intertwine and form a 'p' in the upper right hand corner so that the A,A and P in amy aiello photography are represented. Let me know your thoughts or suggestions - I will be the first to admit that I'm the farthest thing from a graphic designer, and I could use the help/suggestions!!

Well... sadly, that's all that I have for now.

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