Friday, June 26, 2009

The Seasoned Traveler
(aka yours truly)

So what's a girl to do when she's continuing her climb to the top of the mountain with nobody to share the successes with? SHE SPOILS HERSELF!!! :D

I've already mentioned going to New Zealand this year. Next spring, I'll be going with my amazing friends (including one of my fabulous assistants, Nena) to Punta Cana. I'm also planning on trying to take my grandmother to both Greece and Italy for two weeks. If I can swing it, I'm going to try to head over to some more European countries with my cousin. It all kind of depends on what next year brings, but if it's anything like this year, I'm sure that there's a lot to be excited about!

Some very exciting things are in the works still, so stay tuned - it's going to continue to be a hell of a ride!



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